
  • IntelliFile v1.28

    An alternative Windows version to the famous Total Commander. GitHub repo: License: GNU General Public License v3.0 Download: Version 1.28 (April 26th, 2024):– Updated LEXILLA library to version 5.3.2 and SCINTILLA library to version 5.5.0. – Updated PJ Naughter’s CScintillaCtrl library to the latest version available.

    IntelliFile v1.28
  • IntelliFile v1.27.1

    Download: GitHub repo: Article: Version 1.27.1 (March 31st, 2024):-Updated LEXILLA library to version 5.3.1 and SCINTILLA library to version 5.4.3.-Updated PJ Naughter’s CScintillaCtrl library to the latest version available. Updated class to work with Scintilla v5.4.3. New messages wrapped include: SCI_GETUNDOACTIONS, SCI_GETUNDOSAVEPOINT, SCI_SETUNDODETACH, SCI_SETUNDOTENTATIVE, SCI_SETUNDOCURRENT, SCI_PUSHUNDOACTIONTYPE, SCI_CHANGELASTUNDOACTIONTEXT, SCI_GETUNDOACTIONTYPE, SCI_GETUNDOACTIONPOSITION & SCI_GETUNDOACTIONTEXT.

    IntelliFile v1.27.1
  • IntelliFile v1.26

    Download: GitHub repo: Article: Version 1.26 (February 21st, 2024): Switched MFC application’ theme back to native Windows.

    IntelliFile v1.26
  • IntelliFile v1.25

    Download: GitHub repo: Article: Version 1.25 (January 28th, 2024):– Added ReleaseNotes.html and SoftwareContentRegister.html to GitHub repo;– Replaced old CFileDialogST class with Armen Hakobyan’s CFolderDialog library.

    IntelliFile v1.25
  • IntelliFile v1.24

    Download: GitHub repo: Article: Version 1.24 (December 29th, 2023): Updated PJ Naughter’s CScintillaCtrl library to the latest version available. Updated class to work with Scintilla v5.4.1. New messages wrapped include: SCI_CHANGESELECTIONMODE, SCI_SETMOVEEXTENDSSELECTION & SCI_SELECTIONFROMPOINT. Also updated the signatures of the following methods: GetDocPointer, SetDocPointer, CreateDocument, AddRefDocument and ReleaseDocument.

    IntelliFile v1.24
  • IntelliFile v1.23

    Download: GitHub repo: Article: Version 1.23 (December 10th, 2023): Updated PJ Naughter’s CScintillaCtrl library to the latest version available. Removed the SetCallDirect & GetCallDirect methods. Instead now the CScintillaCtrl class will call the m_DirectStatusFunction if the calling thread is the same as the thread on which the Scintilla control was created. Thanks to Markus Nissl…

    IntelliFile v1.23
  • IntelliFile v1.22

    Download: GitHub repo: Article: Version 1.22 (September 30th, 2023): Added SCINTILLA control to view source code with syntax highlighting.

    IntelliFile v1.22
  • IntelliFile v1.21

    Download: GitHub repo: Article: Version 1.21 (September 22nd, 2023): Switched to Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 (some changes were made in the source code of the project).

    IntelliFile v1.21
  • IntelliFile v1.20

    Download: GitHub repo: Article: Version 1.20 (August 26th, 2023): Refactored CopyFile, MoveFile and DeleteFile functions. Changed article's download link. Updated the About dialog (email & website).

    IntelliFile v1.20
  • IntelliFile v1.19

    Homepage: GitHub repo: Article: License: Implemented “Switch views” functionality (Switches source view with target view).Added social media links: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.Added shortcuts to GitHub repository’s Issues, Discussions, and Wiki.

    IntelliFile v1.19